No region in the world will escape the Abbott Government's $4.5 billion of aid cuts, the Foreign Minister confirmed today.
The cuts will have a direct impact on some the poorest people in the world, including in Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America.
And despite claiming its aid program would focus on the Asia-Pacific, the Abbott Government will rip about $250 million in aid out of the region.
Despite promising otherwise before the election, the Coalition has also slashed humanitarian, NGO, and volunteer program funding.
Our aid program helps to enhance global prosperity, and Australia's own security.The Abbott Government's cuts put both at risk.
Today's news comes on top of the Foreign Minister recently cutting $95 million from a fund that helps the world's poorest countries - The World Bank's International Development Association.
Australia is a generous country and we can afford to lend a helping hand to those who need it most.
Under the former Labor Government, Australia's aid budget increased by nearly $3 billion.
Abbott Government Foreign Aid Cuts Across All the Regions
18 January 2014