This morning, when asked if Tony Abbott will detail the Liberals plans and how theyll be paid for in his Budget Reply speech, Mr Hockey said:
We will respond to PEFO, the Pre-Election Fiscal Outlook, which is released by the Departments.
But the annual Budget Reply speech is an opportunity for a Leader of the Opposition to outline their alternative plans and policies for Australia.In 18 days time, the Gillard Government will hand down a responsible Budget for now and the future.
If he is to have any economic credibility, Tony Abbott must set out his policies and how he will pay for them in his Budget Reply speech on May 16.
Failure to do so is to hide his plans from Australians.
Australians are entitled to more than the usual rhetoric, negativity and slogans we see from Tony Abbott in this years Budget Reply.
This will enable Australians to see the real choice they will have in September between a Labor Government who will make responsible savings and invest in the future, and the Liberals who would cut to the bone, risk jobs and stall the economy.