Labor urges the Prime Minister to stop playing the race card and start answering genuine questions about the impact of the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement.
Labors concerns about the agreement are about jobs and the inclusion of an Investor-State Dispute Settlement mechanism.
Tony Abbott and Trade Minister Andrew Robb must explain what the changes they propose to labour market testing and mandatory skills assessments mean for jobs and workplace safety.
In light of the costly and ongoing action against Australia by Philip Morris Asia they have to do more than offer empty words of assurance about the ISDS mechanism they have included in the agreement.
Theres no place for racism in the debate over the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement.
But there is a place for scrutiny and its time Mr Abbott and Mr Robb explained their deal.
Labor wont be lectured on race by a Liberal Government that remains committed to protecting the rights of bigots and implementing a discriminatory foreign investment scheme that treats Chinese and American investors differently.
Abbott must stop playing race card on China FTA
30 July 2015