Tony Abbott wants to cut nearly 9,500 South Australian public service jobs under his Vision 2030 plan.
A leaked Coalition document reveals the Liberals secret plan to force Australians to move to remote areas of the country and slug families in our major cities to pay for it.
Under the plan, Mr Abbott will relocate government departments in Adelaide to the north of the Tropic of Capricorn and Karratha, 1500 kilometres north of Perth, Darwin and Cairns, impacting thousands of South Australian public servants and their families.
The plan also includes a review of the Liberals immigration policy for northern Australia that could see South Australians pressured to relocate.
While Labor has a plan to create jobs in Adelaide and is investing in the state to ensure growth and skills, the Liberal Party wants to take away South Australian jobs. Not surprising from the party of WorkChoices.
Its no surprise Liberal MPs have started to try and walk away from this embarrassing plan now that its been leaked; its a plan that will slash jobs in South Australia, tax Australians in our capital cities more and force people to relocate to remote areas of the country.
Abbott's Plan to Send 9,500 South Australian Jobs North
07 February 2013