Last night in Senate Estimates Airservices Australia confirmed a plan to send highly skilled South Australian traffic control jobs at Adelaide Airport to Melbourne.
Under questioning from Labor Senators, Airservices Australia further revealed that the decision to shut down the Adelaide Terminal Control Unit was made by the board in December without submitting a full safety case to the Civil Aviation Safety Authority.
The South Australian Government was also left in the dark with confirmation it had not been consulted by Airservices Australia.
In contrast, a number of Liberal Party Senators and Members, including Mr Matt Williams, the Liberal member for Hindmarsh, did receive briefings.
Evidence to the Senate committee confirmed that rather than advocate for local jobs and services, Mr Williams did not even ask Airservices Australia to reverse its decision.
No safety case, no consultation with the State Government and a local Liberal member whose silence is deafening.
The Abbott Government continues to drive jobs out of South Australia and put our state last.
Federal Labor has called on Airservices Australia to halt plans to close the Adelaide Terminal Control Unit.
Airservices Australia Confirms Jobs to go in SA - Where's Matt Williams?
25 February 2015