Tony Abbott continues to show why he cannot be trusted.
This week he announced the Coalition's so-called workplace relations policy.
But all it was was a glossy booklet with little beyond a return to individual contracts and a referral to a Productivity Commission review.
And, weve also heard this week shadow Treasurer Joe Hockey promise to end the age of entitlement.
But he won't say what savage cuts he would make. He says he'll refer to a Commission of Audit.
A Commission of Audit is just code for savage cuts kept secret until after an election.
What we've seen in Queensland is just a taste of the sorts of savage cuts Tony Abbott would make.
The Liberals cannot keep hiding their plans from Australians.
Mr Abbott will have the opportunity on Thursday to reveal his policies in the annual Budget Reply speech.
Delivering the same slogans and empty rhetoric day after day is not good enough.
Australians deserve to know what cuts he'll make, what he'll spend and what policies he'll introduce.
Banner statements won't cut it.
In contrast, the Gillard Government will lay out its plans to support Australian jobs and the economy in our Budget next Tuesday.
Australians have a choice between a Government that will be upfront with its decisions, and an Opposition that will never tell Australians what their real plans are.
Australians Deserve To Know Abbott's Real Plans
11 May 2013