Trade Minister Andrew Robb must release the text of the proposed China-Australia Free Trade Agreement immediately.
Mr Robb who is addicted to secrecy and spin on trade agreements has been sitting on the text of this important agreement for months.
The deal was first announced at an elaborate photo opportunity in November last year at that time Mr Robb said he could not release the text because it was still being finalised.
A senior official from the Prime Ministers Department has revealed that the Abbott Government approved the English language text of the agreement on 30 April this year.
Refusing to release the text meant that recent Senate Estimates hearings were denied the opportunity to ask questions about the content of the deal.
We know the deal is done, and we know the Government is planning another photo opportunity where the agreement will be signed.
With Parliament resuming tomorrow, and Australia having notched up a record trade deficit on his watch, Mr Robb should release the text so its impact on Australias economy can be examined.
Come on Andrew, release the China FTA.
Chinese FTA: Where's the text Andrew?
14 June 2015