This is despite promising before the election that Australias Future Submarines would be built in Adelaide:
"We will deliver those submarines from right here at ASC in South Australia. The Coalition today is committed to building 12 new submarines here in Adelaide."[David Johnston Press Conference 8 May 2013]
Yet Senator Johnston told the Senate in Question Time today:
There is no contract, no commitment, no obligation on the Government to do anything with respect to submarines in Adelaide. Senate Question Time, 30 September 2014Senator Johnston is showing the Governments open disdain to the people of South Australia, Labor Senator for South Australia Penny Wong said.
He made a promise on behalf of Tony Abbott to build Australias new submarines in Adelaide a promise he is now planning to break.
To suggest otherwise is an extraordinary display of arrogance by a Government that simply does not care about keeping its promises.
Shadow Minister for Defence, Senator Stephen Conroy said: The Governments plan to buy Australias new submarines from Japan not only hurts South Australia, it risks delivering a submarine that doesnt meet Australias unique requirements for range, endurance and capability.
Former submarine commanders Rear Admiral Peter Briggs and Commodore Terence Roach have warned that:
Little consideration seems to have been given to the suitability of Japanese designed submarines to meet the Australian requirements. The Sunday Mail, 21 September 2014It is time the Government came clean and explained what it was planning for Australias Future Submarine Project.