Now, if the Senate chooses toblock savings initiatives, then we need to look at othersavings initiatives that maynot require legislation and Iwould ask the Greens and theLabor Party who between them hold 35 votes on the floor ofthe Senate - to understand thatthere are alternatives for aGovernment.
[Joe Hockey, AM, 16 July 2014]
Grants and assistance that promote and support Australian exports and the jobs they create and sustain are too valuable to be subject to the whim of a Treasurer who wants to make deeper Budget cuts.With further cuts recommended by the National Commission of Audit already hanging over their heads, the last thing Australian exporters need are more threats from Mr Hockey.
Labor will continue to fight this Budget in the Parliament and the community because it is unfair and based on lies to the Australian people.
MEDIA CONTACT: Sacha Fenton0467 784 528