Malcolm Turnbulls Liberals are again misleading South Australians over their broken promises to build 12 Future Submarines in Adelaide.
The South Australian Liberal Party is running advertising on commercial radio claiming:
Malcolm Turnbulls South Australian Liberal team will deliver 12 submarines for the navy creating jobs for our state for decades.
In Senate question time today Defence Minister Marise Payne confirmed that an entirely overseas build for the submarines remains on the table:
PAYNE: As the Senator knows, Mr President, I said last week that there were three options contained in the CEP, which is a matter of public record: an overseas build, a hybrid build and a domestic build.
This is a Government that shamelessly says one thing in South Australia and does the opposite in Canberra.
Before the election they promised to build 12 submarines in Adelaide, then walked away from it.
Then they tried to fool South Australians into believing the build for the Offshore Patrol Vessels would start in South Australia.
Just months later we discovered that the tender for the OPVs had no requirement for an Adelaide build.
Now the Liberals are falsely claiming the White Paper will deliver 12 submarines to Adelaide.
The Liberal Party should honour its promise to South Australia and withdraw its false advertising immediately.
False Advertising can't cover up Liberal Lies on Subs
01 March 2016