Government Procurement Helps Australian Businesses

10 April 2013

Analysis released today shows the Gillard Government is directly supporting Australian workers, with an overwhelming share of Commonwealth contracts being awarded to local businesses.
Around $32 billion in federal government contracts were carried out by Australian suppliers in 2011-12, representing 78 per cent of the Commonwealths total procurement market (around $41 billion).
The analysis also shows that Australian companies delivered more than 98 per cent of services-based contracts to the Commonwealth, worth nearly $23 billion alone.
And, excluding defence procurement, nearly 80 per cent of goods supplied to by the Commonwealth in 2011-12 were delivered by Australian companies.
Goods and services supplied to the Commonwealth include management and administrative services, fleet vehicles, and building, construction and manufacturing provisions.
The Gillard Government is committed to helping Australian businesses through our procurement market, supporting jobs and enabling a strong and competitive Australian economy.
The analysis was carried out by Protiviti for the last two financial years, and covers contracts worth more than $10,000 that are reported on AusTender.
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