For the second time in three days the Greens have voted down a debate on marriage equality in the Senate.
This morning the Greens voted with the Coalition to thwart a motion by Senator Leyonhjelm to include the Greens own marriage equality bill on the list of bills that must be considered before the Senate rises at the end of todays sitting.
On Tuesday and now on Thursday the Greens have prioritised their Leaders deal on the Coalitions Senate voting bill over a debate and vote on marriage equality.
The Greens are more concerned about legislating to eliminate other minor parties from the Senate than they are about legislating to eliminate discrimination against same-sex couples.
To cover their shame the Greens have allocated their marriage equality bill to a one hour slot devoted to Private Senators Bills without hope of a vote.
Its no wonder the Coalition supported the Greens move its meaningless.
Only a handful of Senators will get to speak to the bill this morning because the Greens lack the courage of their convictions and wont break the straightjacket imposed on them by a Liberal Party desperate to avoid a full debate and vote on marriage equality in this term.
The Greens say they oppose Malcolm Turnbulls plebiscite on marriage equality but twice in three days have sided with Cory Bernardi and Eric Abetz to deny a parliamentary debate and vote.
It has been an affront to Australians who care about marriage equality, an embarrassment to the Parliament, and a reminder that Christine Milne and Bob Brown have left shoes too big to fill by incumbent Greens Senators.
Greens vote down marriage equality - again
17 March 2016