The Greens Party and Malcolm Turnbull have restricted scrutiny of their dirty Senate voting deal to a half day hearing of Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters (JSCEM) held the day before the committee is required to report to the Parliament.
The Governments bill represents the biggest change to Australias electoral system in 30 years it cannot be properly considered in a week with one public hearing lasting just four and a half hours
This sham process doesnt provide time for proper submissions to be made to the committee, doesnt give the committee time to consider submissions that are made, and doesnt give affected parties time to give evidence.
As a consequence of the timetable imposed by the Greens Party and Malcolm Turnbull the inquiry witness list for Tuesdays half-day hearing has been unnecessarily limited.
Minor parties and independents in the Parliament have just 50 minutes to present evidence at the hearing.
Registered parties not currently represented in the Parliament have been allocated no time at all to state their case on proposed laws that eliminate their electoral prospects.
The JSCEM hearing will be a show trial designed to justify the planned Greens-Liberal purge of cross-benchers from the Senate.
Because the inquiry is a sham the Greens Party and the Coalition gleefully voted together today to reject an extension of the committee reporting date.
These radical changes should be subject to a proper committee inquiry, not this half-day farce.
Half-Day Hearing on Senate Voting Changes a Farce
24 February 2016