The Treasurer's overblown outrage at today's Final Budget Outcome numbers is nothing more than an attempt to soften up Australians for secret cuts.
The Final Budget Outcome for 2012-13 confirms Labor's numbers in its August Economic Statement.
The 2012-13 outcome was driven by weaker growth in tax receipts than forecasters had expected at the time of the 2012-13 Budget.
Spending (i.e. payments) fell in both real and nominal terms in 2012-13 compared to the previous year.
Labor was upfront with the estimated budget outcome prior to the election, and Mr Hockey's suggestion that these numbers are 'a revelation' is nothing more than laying the groundwork for more cuts to come.
Mr Hockey has repeatedly said that Australia faced a 'budget emergency', yet Australians continue to remain in the dark about what the Government's plans are, and it's clear Mr Hockey has no plans to release a budget update until January next year to avoid scrutiny.
Mr Hockey hinted today that there has been a further deterioration in the budget position - he should be upfront with Australians about what this means.
The Liberals are continuing their culture of secrecy; hiding their cuts, just like they are hiding the boats.
Hockey Starts Preparing Aussies for More Cuts
27 September 2013