If You Can't Pay For It, Don't Promise It

16 April 2012

Nationals Leader Warren Truss has today walked away from his partys policy to double the baby bonus, admitting that it costs too much.
JOURNALIST: So just let me clarify this then for everyone listening, you, the National Party leader, are not pushing for an increase in the baby bonus? You are happy for the baby bonus to stay where it is at $5000?
TRUSS: We went to the last election with a policy, that remains our policy, although as I mentioned earlier, all policies are currently under review. But all policies that cost a large amount of extra money are simply unaffordable at this time.


Despite this, his Coalition partner Tony Abbott continues to make promises without telling Australians how he plans to fund them.
Last week, Mr Abbott promised to deliver company and personal tax cuts, yet didnt tell Australians how he will pay for these.
Mr Abbott says its an article of faith for the Coalition to remove the Private Health Insurance Rebate means test, adding $2.4 billion to the budget over three years.
The Oppositions Direct Action plan to tackle climate change will cost all families $1300 every year.
And Mr Abbotts proposal to subsidise nannies would cost taxpayers $2 billion over the forward estimates.
All this on top of $70 billion in cuts to services he still refuses to explain to Australians.
The Opposition needs to come clean with Australians about how they plan to pay for all their policies, or stop making promises they dont intend to deliver.
Australians are being misled by an Opposition that offers only aspirations and no detail.