Leaders to Attend Business Advisory Forum

04 December 2012

Business leaders will meet with the Prime Minister and First Ministers in Canberra on Thursday to discuss ways to seize the opportunities of the Asian Century by lifting productivity through regulatory and competition reform.
The Gillard Governments plan to secure the nations economic future is underpinned by a broad productivity agenda centred on five pillars tax reform, skills and education, innovation, infrastructure and broadband and, the focus of this meeting, regulatory and competition reform.
This will be the second meeting of the Business Advisory Forum (BAF), ahead of the COAG meeting on Friday.
All states and territories will be represented at the BAF, with Premiers and Chief Ministers from the ACT, New South Wales, Northern Territory, South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria attending.
Queensland and Western Australia will be represented by officers from their respective Departments of Premier and Cabinet.
Local Government will be represented by the President of the Australian Local Government Association.
Business leaders attending the meeting will be:

Mr Michael Fraser AGL Energy

Mr Innes Willox Australian Industry Group

Mr Peter Anderson Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Mr Ross PillingBASF Australia

Ms Catherine Tanna BG Australia

Dr Marius Kloppers BHP Billiton

Dr Ian ThomasBoeing Australia & South Pacific

Mr Tony Shepherd AO Business Council of Australia

Mr Nigel McBride Business SA

Mr Peter Strong Council of Small Business of Australia

Mr Craig Arnold Dow Chemical Australia and New Zealand

Mr Dale Elphinstone Elphinstone

Mr Nick Leeder Google Australia

Mr David Crombie GRM International

Mr David Tudehope Macquarie Telecom

Mr Stephen Cartwright NSW Business Chamber

Mr Grant King Origin Energy

Mr David Peever Rio Tinto Australia

Mr Ann Pickard Shell

Ms Kerrie Mather Sydney Airport

Mr Grant OBrien Woolworths

Following the inaugural Business Advisory Forum in April, COAG agreed to an ambitious regulatory and competition reform agenda.
This agenda included energy market reform, streamlining environmental regulation, major projects and development assessments and rationalising carbon reduction and energy efficiency schemes.
Progress on these issues will be discussed, along with ways in which all Governments can lift regulatory performance.
Leaders will also discuss Seamless National Economy reform priorities to reduce red-tape for business, increase productivity and enable an efficient economy where resources can move to where they can make the greatest economic contribution.