Liberals Approach Would Cost $5 Billion A Year

06 March 2013

If the Liberals kept the tax cuts, increased pensions and higher family payments associated with the carbon price, it would cost Australians almost $5 billion in 2014-15 alone.
These tax cuts and family payments are part of the Clean Energy Futures package and are funded by the price on carbon, which is expected to raise $7 billion in 2014-15.
Not proceeding with a price on carbon means Australians would have to pay hundreds of dollars more a year in taxes to fill this hole in the budget, or see savage cuts to health and education funding and assistance to families and pensioners.
Tony Abbott and the Liberals should to come clean with Australians about how they plan to pay for their promises.
Instead Mr Hockey has confirmed again that they want to hide these details from Australians.
Mr Hockey said the Liberals will wait until 10 days into the election campaign to release their policies.
But we already know that an Abbott Government would remove the tripling of the tax free threshold, increasing the taxes for 6 million Australians earning less than $80,000.
We know an Abbott Government would scrap superannuation payments of up to $500 a year for 3.6 million low income Australians.
And we know an Abbott Government would get rid of the SchoolKids Bonus up to $820 per child to help pay for the costs of education.
Please click here to view a PDF version of this media release which includes an additional table.