Shadow Treasurer Joe Hockey has confirmed that the Liberals will hide their real plans from Australians until after the election.
In an interview with The Conversation, Mr Hockey gave yet another excuse; another delay tactic.
First, he said they needed to wait until the Budget. Then, he and Tony Abbott said Australians would have to wait until PEFO. Now, they say it wont be until after the election, Minister for Finance and Deregulation, Senator Penny Wong, said.
This is despite the Coalition having unprecedented access to a Parliamentary Budget Office which costs policies using the same assumptions as the Departments of Treasury and Finance.
Australians deserve to know what the Liberals real plans are.
Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister, Andrew Leigh, said the one thing Tony Abbott has come clean about is that he is going to cause pain for Australian families.
A couple of months ago, Tony Abbott happily conceded that his policies will hurt Australian families yet he wont tell Australians what they are until its potentially too late.
The Oppositions playbook seems to be their conservative counterparts in the United Kingdom, where unnecessarily harsh austerity cost jobs and drove the economy back into recession, Mr Leigh said.
Mr Hockey and Mr Abbott need to come clean with the Australian people before the election about what cuts they plan on making should they win government in September.
Liberals To Hide Plans Until After Election
11 June 2013