Areport in the Indian press has revealed the Turnbull Governments plan to provide Indian workers with preferential access to the Australian labour market.
Former Trade Minister now trade envoy Andrew Robb has told the Times of India the Turnbull Government has offered India the same movement of people provisions contained in the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) as part of negotiations for an Australia-India Comprehensive Economic Co-operation Agreement (CECA)
Its clear the Abbott-Turnbull Government has learned nothing from the mistakes it made during ChAFTA negotiations.
With more than 700,000 Australians unemployed, and job security affected by the chaos and dysfunction inside the Turnbull Government, it is risible the Australian people are learning of a plan to further deregulate temporary worker arrangements from the Indian press and not the Australian Prime Minister or Australian Minister for Trade.
Its simply not good enough that Australians are the last to know about this plan.
Labor demands the Turnbull Government come clean on the labour movement changes it is negotiating with the Indian Government.
A Shorten Labor Government will negotiate trade deals that advance our national interest by supporting and creating Australian jobs.
Memo to the Turnbull Government - Australian jobs matter
08 April 2016