Revelations that Tony Abbott will spend tens of millions of dollars advertising his free trade agreement with China show the Government is more interested in political spin than in addressing community concerns.
Tony Abbott and Andrew Robb should be answering questions about the impact of the China free trade agreement on jobs not using taxpayer dollars to buy advertising space on television.
Its no coincidence that this multi-million dollar advertising campaign will go ahead during the Canning by-election.
It shows Mr Abbott is more interested in saving his own job than in the jobs of Australian workers.
The China free trade agreements provisions on temporary skilled migration are yet another broken promise by Mr Abbott.
Last year Mr Abbott promised the Coalition would retain labour market testing the requirement for employers to show they cannot find suitable local workers before they bring in temporary migrants.
Instead, the Abbott Government has dropped labour market testing for Chinese-funded infrastructure projects worth $150 million or more.
Under the China FTAs Investment Facilitation Arrangements provisions the Government has agreed to negotiate special migration arrangements for these projects with no requirement for labour market testing.
Labor supports high-quality trade agreements which enhance jobs not trade deals like the Abbott Governments China FTA which put jobs at risk.
That is why Labor will fight to maintain critical safeguards in response to the labour movement provisions in the China free trade agreement.