National Foundation for Australia-China Relations Grants and Board Appointments

20 February 2025



I am pleased to announce the recipients of the National Foundation for Australia-China Relations grants round for 2024-25, and new appointments to its Advisory Board.

The Foundation is providing 29 grants to support cooperation and engagement between the people of Australia and China. These programs are focused on building capability in Australian industry, boardrooms, community and institutions to foster engagement in a risk-informed way.

The initiatives receiving grants are listed on the Foundation’s website and include:

  • Long-term investment in Australia’s China capability, through scholarships and exchange programs for students, and training and mentoring programs for Australian businesses, academics and members of the public sector.
  • Research, dialogue and cooperation in the priority areas of climate change, sustainable agriculture and decarbonisation.
  • Celebrating Chinese-Australians with initiatives sharing the stories of those making powerful contributions to our communities.
  • Through the convening power of sport, education and the arts, building understanding of Australia in China, and supporting stronger people-to-people connections.

Today I also announce the appointment of Advisory Board members for the National Foundation for Australia-China Relations.

The Advisory Board helps guide the Foundation in its work to promote and coordinate enhanced cooperation between Australia and China, in support of Australia’s national interest.

I am pleased to appoint Ms Wendy Huang, Publisher and Managing Director, 1688/Chinese Herald Australia to the Advisory Board.

I am pleased to confirm that Mr Rowan Callick, Dr Yin Cao, Ms Wesa Chau, Dr Courtney Fung, Mr Douglas Gautier AM, Ms Marina Go AM, Dr Jade Little, Professor Sharon Lewin AO, Mr Richard McGregor and Professor Rory Medcalf AM have been reappointed to the Advisory Board.

I am also delighted Ms Marina Go AM has accepted my invitation to become Chair of the Foundation in June 2025.

I pay tribute to outgoing Chair Ms Pru Bennett for her contribution to the Foundation as Chair since 2020.

I also thank outgoing Board Members Professor Brian Schmidt AC and Professor Duncan Lewis AO DSC CSC for their valuable support to the Foundation over recent years.

I look forward to the Foundation's continued work to strengthen engagement with China in Australia’s interest and to reinforce social cohesion by partnering with Chinese-Australian communities to showcase their contributions.

Media Contacts:
Foreign Minister's Office: +61 2 6277 7500

Authorised by Senator the Hon Penny Wong, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Australia.