NBN Reports No More than Liberal Lies

08 April 2013

Reports that the NBN will cost $90 billion are blatantly untrue; another misleading campaign generated by the Liberals to try and hide the fact that their broadband plan is inadequate for Australias needs now and into the future.
The Gillard Government is committed to delivering affordable, high-speed broadband to all Australians, no matter where they live or do business.
This is in stark contrast to Tony Abbotts broadband proposal which would see Australians pay up to $5,000 out of their own pocket to get access to superfast broadband.
There is no basis to the claims that the Government should adjust the accounting treatment of the NBN which already complies with international budget standards.
The underlying financial assumptions for the NBN which the Government had independently verified by KPMG and Greenhill Caliburn remain sound.
The capital cost of the NBN is $37.4 billion, as set out in the 2012-15 Corporate Plan, and NBN Co will make a return of over 7 per cent, which means that taxpayers will get their investment back, with interest.
The only way NBN Co won't make a return is if the Coalition is elected.
The Coalition will sabotage NBN Cos business plan.
The Coalitions proposed copper-to-the-home network will not provide Australian families or businesses with the high-speed broadband services needed now or in the future.