Joe Hockeys address today to the National Press Club was all negativity, no policy.
Yet again, the Opposition has passed on the opportunity to detail its economic plans, telling Australians to wait and see.
The Gillard Government has laid out its plans to return the Budget to surplus in 2012-13, with growing surpluses over the forward estimates.
Mr Abbott and Mr Hockey want to keep their plans a secret.
Mr Hockey said today that he wont make promises he cant keep.
Similarly, the Opposition shouldnt make promises they cant fund.
Theyve already admitted theyll need to make $70 billion worth of cuts to services to balance their books.
Indeed, the Opposition have said they will repeal the carbon price and the Minerals Resource Rent Tax, but havent explained how they will pay for policies that stem from it such as the increased superannuation guarantee, the Family Tax Benefit increase and personal income tax cuts.
However, Mr Hockey today committed to repealing the tripling of the tax-free threshold which will start on 1 July this year. This means that personal income tax for every Australian earning up to $80,000 will actually increase under a Coalition government.
The Gillard Government wants to give assistance to Australian families through tax cuts and the SchoolKids Bonus.
Meanwhile, Mr Abbott and Mr Hockey want to give a tax break to Clive Palmer and Gina Rinehart.
Mr Hockey also showed today that the Opposition is not serious about introducing a National Disability Insurance Scheme, saying he wouldnt commit to it.
In contrast, the Gillard Government thinks that Australians with disability have waited long enough for this key reform and we've put $1 billion on the table for the first stage as a sign of good faith to all the states and territories.
Mr Hockey says the Opposition will release their costings prior to the next election, but in 2010 their costings had a $10.6 billion black hole and the firm they engaged to do their costings was fined for professional misconduct.
The Opposition arrogantly think Australians will vote them into government without knowing what their promises are.
Mr Hockey and Mr Abbott need to stop treating Australians like mugs.
Once Again, Joe Tells Australians Nothing
16 May 2012