Opposition Relying on 'Magic Pudding' to Fund Its Promises

06 March 2012

Opposition deputy leader Julie Bishop has today been unable to explain how they will pay for their promises, in another demonstration of the lack of economic credentials in Tony Abbotts team.
On radio this afternoon, Ms Bishop was asked:
RAFAEL EPSTEIN: Two quick questions for you, how are you going to fund all of your promises if you dont have something like the mining tax? Thatd be question number one. Isnt it going to be difficult?

JULIE BISHOP: We intend to grow the pie. We dont intend to burden Australians with ever increasing taxes on carbon or mining.

RAFAEL EPSTEIN: It is more magic pudding than pie though according to your critics?

JULIE BISHOP: Well lets wait and see when we release our policies in good time for the next election.


This is just another example of the Opposition scrambling for economic credibility when all they have are slogans and no detail.
That the Deputy Leader of the Opposition thinks they can just click their fingers and grow the pie shows a real lack of understanding about how to manage an economy.
Youd hope that before they made billions of dollars worth of promises, theyd be able to explain how they were going to fund it.
Its becoming a habit for the Opposition, who has also been unable to explain the $70 billion budget black hole they announced over six months ago.
Australians deserve better than such economic recklessness from the Oppositions second most senior person.