Labor welcomes the initial release of the text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement.
The TPP has the potential to deliver more jobs for Australian workers and new opportunities for Australian export businesses.
Labor will now scrutinise the text of the agreement to ensure it lives up to the extensive claims made by Malcolm Turnbull and Andrew Robb.
The cost and availability of medicines is a critical issue, and Labor will be scrutinising the text to ensure that Andrew Robbs guarantee that the TPP will have no impact whatsoever is true.
Legitimate concerns have been raised by many Australians about the content of this agreement.
The Government and Andrew Robb must explain the detail of the agreement, rather than attacking those raising concerns as anti-trade.
Former Prime Minister John Howard refused to include ISDS provisions in the Australia-US Free Trade Agreement. Andrew Robb should have followed his lead and rejected the inclusion of ISDS provisions in the TPP.
The agreement will be also be considered by the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties. This inquiry by the Treaties Committee will allow business, experts and members of the public to have their say.
Release of TPP text
06 November 2015