Revealed: Abbott's List of Secret Cuts

17 March 2013

The Institute of Public Affairs has revealed some of the savage cuts Tony Abbott is considering making if elected, including the National Disability Insurance Scheme, assistance for industry and housing support.
The list of possible cuts (attached) has been prepared in consultation with the Liberals:
"Some items have been discussed with Coalition politicians, many of whom are in agreement with the principles against which the list has been developed."


Cuts being considered by the Liberals include:
  • Cancelling the first stage of NDIS and abolishing the FaCHSIA division implementing the NDIS;
  • Abolishing Fair Work and Safe Work Australia;
  • Cutting the general research budget by 40 per cent;
  • Cutting all Commonwealth housing programs;
  • Cutting all foreign aid, excluding emergency aid;
  • Abolishing all Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries programs; and
  • Privatising the ABC.
These so-called savings amount to $23.5 billion, and are just an insight into the sorts of drastic cuts Tony Abbott and the Liberals would make to fill their $70 billion budget black hole.
Savage cuts to health, education and welfare would clearly also be on the cards, as would be a planned return to WorkChoices with the abolition of Fair Work Australia.
If Mr Abbott isnt considering these cuts, then he needs to come clean with Australians and tell us exactly what his policies are.
Click here to view the IPA's list of cuts being considered by the Liberals.