Trade Minister Andrew Robb has decided not to assess the economic impacts of the proposed Japan-Australia Economic Partnership Agreement.
Officials from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade told Senate estimates last night that the Government had decided there would be no economic modelling of the outcomes of the Economic Partnership Agreement negotiations with Japan.
When the agreement was struck in April, the Prime Minister Tony Abbott described it as historic and said it would significantly boost exports by Australian farmers, resource producers and service providers.
But Australian beef, dairy, sugar, pork, rice and grain producers all expressed disappointment with the deal negotiated by the Government.
Mr Robbs decision not to model the agreement with Japan will make it harder for Australian business and the public to assess the quality of the deal secured by the Government.
It stands in contrast to the Korea-Australia Free Trade Agreement where the Government commissioned modelling on the impact on Australian exports, growth and jobs.
Labor supports high quality trade agreements that deliver jobs and other benefits to Australian consumers, workers and industries.
We are concerned that the Prime Minister is instead focussing on notching up trade deals at any price as political trophies.
MEDIA CONTACT: Sacha Fenton 0467 784 528
Robb Keeps Australians In The Dark On Japan Trade Deal
06 June 2014