Comments this morning by State Liberal member Martin Hamilton-Smith about the Regional Development Australian Fund are simply ridiculous.
There have been four rounds of funding under the Regional Development Australia Fund (RDAF) since 2011, and over 30 projects across South Australia have been awarded grants. These projects currently receive around $64 million in funding.
Under RDAF Round Four, the Government received 163 applications, totalling almost $1 billion in requested funding.
These funding requests were assessed by an independent panelthrough a transparent, merits-based process, with projects measured against criteria such as value-for-money, eligibility, risk and viability.
So far, five grants to South Australian projects, totalling over $17 million, have been announced under Round Four.
In addition, under the Regional and Local Communities Infrastructure Program, South Australia received a total of $82,525,254 to fund 691 projects.
The Gillard Government is making real investments in South Australia.
We have almost tripled our funding for road and rail infrastructure in South Australia, and funded important projects like the South Road Superway and the Noarlunga to Seaford rail extension.
A record $1.2 billion in health funding has been provided in the 2013-14 Federal Budget for South Australia, ensuring more frontline services and improved care for patients.
And, under our National Plan for School Improvement, we are investing an additional $1.1 billion in South Australias children.
We are helping 96,000 South Australian families meet the costs of education through the SchoolKids Bonus and 125,000 South Australian families are receiving payments under the Household Assistance Package.
The Gillard Government has also committed to assembling 12 Future Submarines in Adelaide the biggest defence project ever undertaken which will mean work opportunities for numerous SA companies and workers.
If Mr Hamilton-Smith is serious about helping South Australians, he should actually be asking why his federal Liberal Leader Tony Abbott plans to strip support from SA families if elected by scrapping the SchoolKids Bonus and the Household Assistance Package.
And why Mr Abbott will rip $2 billion in support from the auto manufacturing industry, putting even more pressure on South Australian companies.
Mr Hamilton-Smith should also be campaigning against Tony Abbotts proposed changes to the GST, which would see South Australia lose around $1 billion every year.
The Gillard Government will continue to invest in the infrastructure, jobs, industries and support for South Australian families.
What would the Liberals do?
SA Liberals Wrong about RDAF Funding
25 June 2013