South Australian Schools Lose Under Malcolm Turnbull

24 July 2017

Thanks to Malcolm Turnbull, South Australian schools will lose around $210 million over the next two years alone.
Today, we will be visiting Trinity Gardens Primary School. Because of Mr Turnbull, it will be $680,000 worse off.
The Deputy Leader of the Opposition, Tanya Plibersek, said Malcolm Turnbulls new schools policy was completely unfair.
Mr Turnbull is cutting public schools, but giving many elite private schools multimillion dollar increases.
South Australian schools, mostly public schools, will lose around $210 million over the next two years, but St Peters College in Adelaide, with fees of $23,000, will get an extra $16.5 million over the decade.
Malcolm Turnbulls new schools policy is not based on need, and is not sector blind either.
Hes giving public schools just 20 per cent of their fair level of funding, while he gives private schools 80 per cent.
And Mr Turnbulls new policy includes no plan to improve our schools - not one extra student graduating high school, no improvement in literacy and numeracy, or teaching quality.
OnlyLaborstood united against the Liberals terrible schools policyfrom day one.
We stood up and fought for public schools and for local Catholic parish schools.
Labor will restore every dollar the Liberals have cut. Well get all schools upto their fair level of funding.
We wantbetterschools, better results, and better support for our great teachers.
Every student, in every school, deserves a great education.
Thats whatLaborwill fight for, every single day, between now and the next election, Ms Plibersek said.
Labor Senator for South Australia, Penny Wong, said the Liberals and the Xenophon Party could not be trusted on schools.
Both the Liberals and the Xenophon Party made election promises to match Labors schools funding plan dollar for dollar.
Instead, the Liberals and the Xenophon Party voted in the Parliament to cut funding from schools.
Parents, teachers, and principals in our state wont forget that betrayal, Ms Wong said.
South Australias Education and Child Development Minister, Susan Close, said the state had been abandoned by Malcolm Turnbull.
The State Government wont give up the fight to have the full Gonski funding returned to our schools.
Under the deal struck by Mr Turnbull and the crossbenchers, we are set to lose a total of $210 million, across all sectors, over the next two years, Ms Close said.