Since releasing the text of the agreement in late June Mr Robb has refused to explain how the deal will work in practice.
Staged signing ceremonies, shiny banners and glossy pamphlets are no substitute for a detailed explanation from the Minister responsible for the agreement.
Labor has some simple questions about ChAFTA and its side deals.These include:
- Will the Abbott Government honour its promise to maintain labour market testing for 457 visa holders?
- What safeguards will ensure Australian workers have access to new job opportunities on Australian work sites?
- Why has the Abbott Government abolished mandatory skills assessments for Chinese workers in ten critical occupations?
- Is the abolition of mandatory skills assessments based on advice from Australian occupational and trades skills regulators?
- Were State and Territory Governments consulted on the abolition of mandatory skills assessments?
- What safeguards will maintain safety standards in Australian workplaces?
- Why did Mr Robb agree to the inclusion of Investor State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) provisions when the Howard Government successfully negotiated agreements without it?
- If Mr Robb is so sure ISDS provisions will not be used against the Australian Government, why did he agree to them at all?
Labor wants to ensure ChAFTA is a high-quality trade agreement that achieves genuine market access for Australian exporters and supports and creates Australian jobs.
Its time for Mr Robb to stop the song-and-dance routine and answer some hard questions.