US decision on Paris Climate Accords

02 June 2017

The signing of the Paris Accords by 195 countries is the most significant global step towards action on climate change the world has ever made.
It is in the best interest of all countries to commit and adhere to the Paris Accords to keep global temperature rises well below 2 degrees on 2005 levels.
Labor urges the Prime Minister, and the entire Turnbull Government, to press the United States to reconsider its decision and to continue to uphold its role of global leadership.
Labor is deeply disappointed by the failure of the US to uphold this important international agreement.
This decision to withdraw from the Paris Accords will put the US alongside Nicaragua and Syria as the only countries that are not signatories to the Accords.
However, we welcome the determination of US states, local governments and citizens to continue to support international efforts to tackle climate change.
The transition to clean energy and a global economy is irreversible and will continue regardless of this decision.
Labor has faith the rest of the international community will continue strongly with their commitments under the accords.
The EU, China and India have all shown strong leadership in their work to cut their emission levels; Australia must step up our efforts so we can do the same.
Now, more than ever, we need the Prime Minister to uphold our international promises and back them up with real climate change policies at home. Anything else would be failing our obligations to future generations.