Last night Trade Minister Steve Ciobo released a summary of things Andrew Robb did as Trade Minister thinly disguised as a Budget press release.
Maybe Mr Ciobo didnt notice, but the Budget cut tens of millions of dollars from the trade portfolio.
More than $24 million has been cut from Austrade alone.
An additional $5.3 million of Austrades existing overseas funding will be used to open a trade office in Tehran.
Other cuts include $50.5 million slashed from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
These cuts to trade will reduce support for business, affect trade policy development and diminish Australias ability to negotiate good trade outcomes.
In the 2016-17 Budget Mr Ciobo had the opportunity to step out from under the shadow of Mr Robb.
Instead, his defining contribution to the trade portfolio is a big fat funding cut.
This follows Mr Ciobos hapless performance on investment as the Treasurer, Scott Morrison, imposes new red tape and turns away foreign investors.
The Abbott-Turnbull Government has presided over trade deficits in all but three months since it came to office, delivering a cumulative trade deficit for Australia of $53 billion.
According to the OECD inward investment flows to Australia have slumped by $34.7 billion or 61 per cent over the last two years.
Australias exporters were among the losers last night.
All Australians will lose if the Turnbull Government is returned on 2 July.
What Steve Ciobo's Budget press release didn't say
04 May 2016