Xenophon Sells out South Australia

29 November 2016

Senator Nick Xenophon has today proven that despite his tough talk, hes willing to sell out South Australia at the first opportunity to vote with the Turnbull Government on draconian anti-worker legislation.
So much for sticking up for the water rights of South Australia, the driest state in the driest inhabited continent in the world. Senator Xenophon has made it crystal clear that his latest stunt was all about Nick Xenophon the politician, not the people of South Australia.
Rather than securing the 450 GL of water at issue, Senator Xenophon has secured a promise to talk about the Murray-Darling Basin plan at COAG and to have the privilege of asking public servants questions at Senate Estimate hearings. Only hours earlier, the Agriculture and Water Minister, Barnaby Joyce, made it clear that he is prepared to walk away from the Murray-Darling Basin plan.
South Australian Labor Members of Parliament and Senators will not play the same empty self-serving games as Senator Xenophon; we will continue to fight for the rights of South Australia and the full implementation of the Murray-Darling Basin plan.